Virtual Astronomy Meetings

12 Apr 2020 by Luton Astronomical Society

Dave Eagle is running online Astronomy meetings every Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm.

The free Zoom Virtual Astronomy Club will run at 7pm BST on a Tuesday and Thursday.

Click the link below to join the meetings.

If you do find yourself unable to connect as we have hit our 100 limit, or prefer not to use zoom, you should be able to follow proceedings over on my Youtube channel:

NOTE: THE LINK TO JOIN HAS NOW CHANGED FROM ONE PREVIOUS ADVERTISED (but it has been updated in the diary entry for each meeting).
It is now the same link for both Tuesday’s and Thursday’s meetings
Meeting ID: 590 953 715
A password is now required.
Password: 002133

But don’t forget, you can use the above YouTube link if you prefer.



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