
by Luton Astronomical Society
Posted: almost 5 years ago
Updated: almost 5 years ago by Luton Astronomical Society
Visible to: public

Time zone: London
Reminder: None
Ends: 08:00pm (duration is about 1 hour)

The British Astronomical Association will be presenting the second and final part of Sir Patrick Moore – Early Life, Mentors and Notebooks. This will be given by Dr John Mason, a friend and colleague of Sir Patrick for 45 years and a Trustee and Archivist for the Sir Patrick Moore Heritage Trust. Dr Mason is also the Director of the BAA Meteor Section.

The first part is available to watch here (if you missed it):

To join the interactive Zoom webinar please click on the below link. This will install the Zoom software if you do not already have it on your computer and then allow you to join the meeting. You may click on the link in advance to install the Zoom software prior to the webinar.

Click to join:

For anyone who does not wish to join via Zoom or is unable to install the software, then we will also be streaming the webinar on our BAA YouTube channel:

Please note you will be unable to ask questions via YouTube.

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