
by Luton Astronomical Society
Posted: almost 5 years ago
Updated: almost 5 years ago by Luton Astronomical Society
Visible to: public

Time zone: London
Reminder: None
Ends: 08:30pm (duration is about 1 hour)

Talk by Professor Franz Muheim, Head of the Particle Physics Experiment Group at the University of Edinburgh.

Visitors are welcome at our meetings and they can watch them live on our YouTube channel:

Prof Muheim is Head of the Particle Physics Experiment Group at the University of Edinburgh. His research interest is in experimental particle physics. He is an expert on heavy flavour physics and he investigates the difference between matter and antimatter by measuring CP violation in beauty and charmed mesons and neutrinos. An expert on instrumentation, he is playing a leading role in the Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors (RICH) for the LHCb experiment at CERN and is now building detectors for neutrino experiments.

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