Women In Research Ireland (WIRI) invites you to join us for an inspiring online lunchtime seminar featuring Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell.
Where: Zoom (link sent to attendees prior to event)
Register via Eventbrite here:
https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/wiri-presents-lunchtime-webinar-featuring-dame-jocelyn-bell-burnell-tickets-105780426102Organized by: Women in Research Ireland (WIRI) and promoted in collaboration with Trinity Women Graduates
About Professor Bell Burnell:
Jocelyn Bell Burnell inadvertently discovered pulsars as a graduate student in radio astronomy in Cambridge, opening up a new branch of astrophysics – work recognised by the award of a Nobel Prize to her supervisor.
She has subsequently worked in many roles in many branches of astronomy, working part-time while raising a family. She is now a Visiting Academic in Oxford, and the Chancellor of the University of Dundee, Scotland. She has been President of the UK’s Royal Astronomical Society, in 2008 became the first female President of the Institute of Physics for the UK and Ireland, and in 2014 the first female President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. She was one of the small group of women scientists that set up the Athena SWAN scheme.
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