
by Luton Astronomical Society
Posted: about 2 years ago
Updated: about 2 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: London
Reminder: 2 days before
Ends: 09:00pm (duration is about 2 hours)

Our Guest Speaker, Viktoria Urban, will be talking about Space Debris, concentrating on what the UK is doing to clean up space and how we can reclaim the sky.

It will start by updating the data/information with current figures, new issues and events. Then the main focus of the talk will be what the industry and agencies are trying to do to mitigate these problems, what technology is already available, what the plans are, how governments are getting involved, with a focus on the UK and Scotland (but also mentioning global efforts as well).

This is an in-person meeting with Zoom option for virtual members
Zoom link to be advised nearer the time

About The Speaker
Viktoria Urban works as a Freelance Senior Editor at SpaceWatch.Global, a Freelance Chief of Office and Editor at waveL communications and a Freelance Content Writer at ThinkTankMaths. She graduated as a Journalist from Edinburgh Napier University, and is currently a third-year BSc student at the Open University studying Astronomy and Planetary Science. She is a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and volunteers at the Open University Space Society as well as UKSEDS. She occasionally writes articles for the British Interplanetary Society, the Hungarian Astronomical Society and also runs the RocketRia YouTube channel dedicated to rockets.


Hitchin Rd, Luton LU2 8LE, UK

  • [2022-Dec-30 01:02 PM] Luton Astronomical Society: Updated
  • [2022-Dec-30 01:02 PM] Luton Astronomical Society: Updated

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